Thursday, 5 April 2012

Easter Chick Nail Art (With video tutorial!)

Who's excited for easter? i am! :D
Lot's of chocolate and fun! ◠‿◠
So I have made a cute easter chick nail art tutorial for you! 

Chick chick chick chick chicken!

Lay a little egg for me!

hehe! So if you want to know how to do them, here you go! click here to watch the video and comment or rate!
Or you can watch the video here,

Hope you like it and have a fabby easter! 


Sunday, 1 April 2012

Ninja Nail Art (with video tutorial)

Everyone loves ninja's.

mistaa ninjaaa


Awwww! Do you like them? I made a video tutorial so you can create this look yourself! Click HERE!

I hope you like them! Like the video, comment, and subscribe pleeeaasie-pops! :D

See ya,
